Information Security Policy

Stemming from our corporate philosophies and code of conduct, we offer optimal solutions to support our customers' business.

We believe that the establishment and maintenance of a system for information security is an important aspect of business, and in order to suitably protect all of the information assets we receive from customers, we adhere to the following information security policy:

  1. We will work hard to create the human, organizational, and technical measures necessary to prevent the unauthorized access, leakage, tampering, obstruction of use, loss, and destruction of our information assets.
  2. Even in the unlikely event of an issue with the security of our information assets, we will strive to quickly investigate the source of the issue, minimize damages, and prevent similar recurrences.
  3. We will strictly adhere to the laws and regulations, specifications, and other standards which pertain to information security, and we will always fulfill our contractual security obligations.
  4. We aim to educate all of our officers, employees, and the employees or our affiliate & partner companies as to our information security policy.
  5. We have established an information security management structure to continually improve upon and enforce the above activities, as well as be able to respond to new threats.

Eiji Arai, President
ITO Corporation

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